
100 .

, 27 2015 . 14:39 +

Hello - !
Hi - !
Good morning - !
Good afternoon - !
Good evening - !

Goodbye - !
Bye - !
Good night - !
See you - !
Have a nice day - !

Please -
Thank you ( Thanks) -
Thank you very much -
You're welcome - ( «»)
Don't mention it -
Not at all -
I’m sorry ( Sorry) -
Excuse me - ( )
No problem -
It's ok That's ok -
Don't worry about it -

( )

Do you speak English? - -?
I don't speak English - -
I speak a little English - -
Please speak more slowly - ,
Could you please repeat that? - ,
Could you please spell that? - ,
How do you say ... in English? - - ...?
How do you spell that? - ?
How do you pronounce this word? - ?
I understand -
I don't understand -

Could you tell me how to get to the ...? - , …?
Do you know where the ... is? - , …?
How far is the…? - …?
airport -
train station -
bus station -
Can you show me on the map? - ?
I'm looking for this address -
It's this way -
It's that way -
You're going the wrong way -
Take this road -
Turn left -
Turn right -
Go straight ahead -
Take the first turn on the left -
Take the second turn on the right -
Turn left at the crossroads -
Continue straight ahead - ()
Continue past the post office - ()
You'll pass a park on your left -
Keep going for another… - …
two hundred yards - (1 0,9 )
hundred metres -
half-mile - (1 1,6 )
kilometre -
It'll be… - ...
on your left -
on your right -
straight ahead of you -

What's this? - ?
What's this called? - ?
Have you got a minute? - ?
Can you help me? - ?
May I borrow your pen? - ?
May I use your phone? - ?

, , , .

— 911 999 .

Help! - !
Be careful! - !
Look out! watch out! - !
Is anything wrong? - - ?
What's the matter? - ?
Is everything ok? - ?
What's going on? - ?
What happened? - ?
Are you ok? - ?
Is everyone ok? - ?

" ":
1 - , ........
2 - -
16 -
17 - - 16 . 1-2-3-4.
18 - 100 .
19 - : 10
20 - 170 ,
40 - 1 ?
41 -
42 -

: [1] []


: ( )
