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: 02.01.2014
: 4680
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: 4781



, 05 2015 . 16:43 +
last_Alive . Learning English. (The Pronoun)

(The Pronoun)

- , , , :

we - , who - , that - , some - .
This is a book. is a doctor.

, .

Jane studies the Russian language. She likes it - . .
She has some books in Russian - .

9 . , .

(Personal Pronouns)


1- I [ai] we [wi:]
2- you [ju:] you [ju:]
3- he [hi:]
[it] , , ( )
they [ðei]

1. I . he , she , :

Igor Ivanov is my friend; he studies at the Military Academy - - ; .

it , , , :

Here is a new dictionary. I bought it last week - . .

they , .

2. 2- - you, . you "" "" .
3. : . .

I me [mi:]
you you [ju:]
he him [him]
she her [hə:]
it it [it]
we us [٨s]
you you [ju:]
theythem [ðem]


I was very busy yesterday - .
That was he who helped me in my work - . ( , ).


1. (, , ):

I saw you there - .
showed them his library - .
I should like to go there with you - .

2. :

It was not me but my twin sister - , -.

3. :

There is a library building in front of us - .

(Possessive Pronouns)

. whose? ?
: : (Conjoint form), , (Absolute form), .






1- my [mai] our ['auə]
2- your [jכּ:] your [jכּ:]
3- his [hiz]
her [hə:]
its [its] , ( )
their [ðeə]

1- mine [main]ours ['auəz]
2- yours [jכּ:z] yours [jכּ:z]
3- his [hiz]
hers [hə:z]
its [its]
theirs [ðeəz]


Besides his duties at the two hospitals, his teaching and private practice, he gave lectures and was editing a journal on surgery - , , , .

1. - :

Please give me my pen - , .
His story is too long - .
Don't take this chair, its leg is broken - , .
I have not seen their wall newspaper - .


accepted the invitation of his friend Dr. Draring the famous scientist, and was staying in his large old-fashioned house - , , .

, , , , . :

works hard at his English - .
Raise your hands -

, :

No one understood his true relations with his wife, and it was said that he was sometimes strict to her - , .

2. , :

My room is large, yours is larger and hers is the largest - , - , - .
Whose school did he visit? He visited ours - ? .
Whose book is it? It is mine - ? .

, ( ) . , :

I left my dictionary at home. May I use yours? (: your dictionary) - . ?
His report is more interesting than ours - , .
It was an old friend of hers who was apparently arriving in Paris that afternoon - , , , .


) :

My bag is black. His is brown - - . - .

) :

This room will be mine, and that room will be yours - , - ().

) :

Take my notebook and I'll take yours - () , ().

) ( of):

is a friend of mine - - .

(Reflexive and Emphatic Pronouns)

-self -selves .
-(-) , .

1- myself [mai'self]ourselves [auə'selvz]
2- yourself [jכּ:'self] yourselves [jכּ:'selvz]
3- himself [him'self]
herself [hə:'self]
itself [it'self]
themselves [ðem'selvz]

I dressed myself - .
He washes himself with cold water - .
She said to herself - .
I myself saw the man - .

, - (-):

I mean I'll enjoy myself a little - ,


The town itself and its population were very hospitable - .

no, nn, n one, nobody, nothing, neither .
, :

But nothing happened - .


Without peace there can be no social or economic progress - , .

nn , n,
. None not any:

Have you got any newspapers? - No. I have got none (not any) - ? - .


None of us moved until the last shell passed overhead - , .

neither , ,
; 3- :

Which poems do you like best: by Alexander Pope or by Thomas Grey? I like neither - : ? , .

nobody , ,
nothing - e:

But with nobody to give him orders he had nothing to do - , .

who , what , ( ), , whose , which .

who, what :

1. :

Who headed our delegation to the Trade Unions Conference? - ?

2. :

always knows what is what - , .

3. :

What do you know about the World Peace Council? - ?

, :

What are you reading about? - ?
Whom are you speaking to? - ?

who , what . what , , :

Who is that? - That is Comrade N - ? - .
What is comrade N.? - He is an officer - ( , ) .? - .

whose, which, what :

Whose article are you reading? - ?
Which article are you reading? - ( ) ?
What kind of article are you,reading? - ( ) ?

this, that, such, same.
this , , , these , that , , those me:

this building -
these buildings -
that article -
those articles -

Mrs. Gerhardt could not believe that these bright bedrooms, this beautiful parlour, this handsome dining-room were actually hers - , , .

such , , , same , , , .

In such modern industries as instrument-making or radio-electronics young people usually make up a majority of the
work force - , .

same :

Read the same text, please - ,

such :

All children have had such a good time round New Year tree - .


1. :

This is a map of the world - - .

2. :

Everything will remain the same, I believe - , .

3. :

told me about this - .

4. :

This newspaper is very popular with our students - .
, ,
that (those) :

Winter in England is milder than that on the continent - , () .

each other one another . , - .

each other :

We looked at each other and gulped - .

one another , :

Her children always helped one another - .

some, any, all, each, every, both, either, other, another, many, much, little, a little, few, a few, one , somebody, anybody, something, anything, someone, anyone, everybody, everything, everyone - .

one , - other :
one - ones
other - others

one, other, , -one -body :

attracted everybody's attention by his laughing - ( ).

1. :

Then quite suddenly everything became strangely quiet - .

2. :

The medical and teaching professions are ones that are far from easy - , .

3. :

had been obliged to think of others - .

4. :

All things are difficult before they are easy - , . ( .)

some, any . , , .

some .
some , , :

Some of my friends can speak English - -.

some , , :

Bring me some water, please - , ()
When I have some free time I read English books in the original - , .
some , :

Some fifty students were present at this lecture - .

any .
any , -, -:

Have you got any written exercises today? - - ?

any , -, - :

Is there any tea in that glass? - ?

any , :

You can get any book you like in our library - , .

any :

Today we do not have any lessons but mathematics - .

any, , , :

I want some material on this subject. Have you (got) any? - . ( )?

, some, any, , :

It was followed by a hush as though something important had been said at last - , , , - .
I didn't mean anything - .

all , , , . , , :

All the students were ready for the lesson - .
was busy all the time - .

all , , , :

ll that glitters is not gold. () - He , .
I worked hard all my life. () - .

all , ; all , :

ll were ready for the lesson - .
All is well that ends well - , .

all all of us , all of them ..

All of us watched the Goodwill Games which took place in Moscow, Tallinn and Jurmala in July 1986 - , 1986 , .

each, every .
each ( ), every , :

Each group numbers twenty-five students - .
It is necessary to protect the future of our planet in every possible way - .

each :

I asked the students to read and translate the text; each read in turn - ; () .

everybody , , , everyone everything :

Everybody was informed of the changes in the agenda of the meeting - .

both , either , , .
Both , :

Both looked dark and entirely deserted - .

Either , , :

I didn't see either of them - ( , ) .

another , ( ):

One good turn deserves another. (good turn) - . ( )

other , , :

There is a high building on the other side of the street - () .
My friend took the other magazines - .

another, other . other :

Besides he knew what the others would say - , , .

one , - :

one - the ones
one - one's

one , . one , - :

One never knows what to do in a situation like this - , .

one . , , :

One must do everything in time - .

one , :

It is easier to ask a question, then to answer one - , .

one :

There are troubles in everyday's life, and very often the small ones are more irritating than the big ones - () , () , .

many - , , few - , a few - :

Parts of the town of Cambridge still remain as they were many years ago - , .
There are still a few Technical schools in Britain but most of the technical education, full-time or part-time, is provided in Technical Colleges - , , , .

much , little , a little :

will go to London and enjoy himself a little before visiting his step-sister - , .
She knitted stockings and grew vegetables, but she could earn little money; she had to look after her husband, who was like a little child now - , ; , .

much little . - :

There is only precious quarter of an hour of freedom and so much can be done in it - , .
is not poor that has little, but he that desires much - , , , .

few, little, a few, a little, : few, little ; a few, a little , :

There is little coffee in my cup - .
There is a little coffee in my cup - .

many (, ), few (), a few (, , ), much (), little (), a little (, ), , . many, few, a few . : How many? (?)

She bought many pencils for her son - .
Few students were in the room - .
I saw a few buses in the village - .

much, little, a little ( ). : How much? (?)

I don't like to eat much bread - .
My brother puts little sugar in his tea - .
Pass me a little fish, please - , , .

much, little, a little , , .

Ann writes not so much - .
He looked a little tired - .

a few, a little , , few, little , . . .

The student has few English books - .
This student has a few English books - .

---------------------- . 50% : 10 !

: 1

: [1] []


: ( )
