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: 02.12.2012
: 11472
: 7270
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! Cicely Mary Barker. 2.

, 06 2017 . 19:12 +
Matrioshka ! Cicely Mary Barker. 2.

The Guelder Rose Fairies


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Look up!

Look up, look up, at any tree!
There is so much for eyes to see:
Twigs, catkins, blossoms; and the blue
Of sky, most lovely, peeping through
Between the leaves, some large, some small,
Some green, some gold before their fall;
Fruits you can pick; fruits out of reach;
And little birds with twittering speech;
And, if you're quick enough, maybe
A laughing fairy in the tree!

The Guelder Rose Fairies

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The Song of the Guelder Rose Fairies

There are two little trees:
In the garden there grows
The one with the snowball;
All children love those!

The other small tree
Not everyone knows,
With her blossoms spread flat
Yet they're both Guelder Rose!

But the garden Guelder has nothing
When her beautiful balls are shed;
While in Autumn her wild sister
Bears berries of ruby red!

The Alder Fairy





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The Song of the Alder Fairy

By the lake or river-side
Where the Alders dwell,
In the Autumn may be spied
Baby catkins; cones beside
Old and new as well.
Seasons come and seasons go;
That's the tale they tell!

After Autumn, Winter's cold
Leads us to the Spring;
And, before the leaves unfold,
On the Alder you'll behold,
Crimson catkins swing!
They are making ready now;
That's the song I sing!

The Almond Blossom Fairy

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The Song of the Almond Blossom Fairy

Joy! the Winter's nearly gone!
Soon will Spring come dancing on;
And, before her, here dance I,
Pink like sunrise in the sky.
Other lovely things will follow:
Soon will cuckoo come, and swallow;
Birds will sing and buds will burst,
But the Almond is the first!

The Ash Tree Fairy

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The Song of the Ash Tree Fairy

Trunk and branches are smooth and gray;
(Ash gray, my honey!)
The buds of the Ash-tree, black are they;
(And the days are long and sunny.)

The leaves make patterns against the sky,
(Blue sky, my honey!)
And the keys in bunches hang on high;
(To call them 'keys' is funny!)

Each with seed, the keys hang there,
(Still there, my honey!)
When the leaves are gone and the woods are bare;
(Short days may yet be sunny).

The Beech Tree Fairy


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The Song of the Beech Tree Fairy

The trunks of Beeches are smooth and grey,
Like tall straight pillars of stone
In great cathedrals where people pray;
Yet from tiny things they've grown.
About their roots is the moss; and wide
Their branches spread, and high
It seems to us, on the earth, who bide,
That their heads are in the sky.

And when Spring is here,
and their leaves appear
With a silky fringe on each,
Nothing is seen so new and green
As the new young green of Beech.
O the great grey Beech is young, is young,
When, dangling soft and small,
Round balls of bloom from its twigs are hung,
And the sun shines over all.

The Cherry Tree Fairy



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The Song of the Cherry Tree Fairy

Cherries, a treat for the blackbirds;
Cherries for girls and boys;
And there's never an elf in the treetops
But cherries are what he enjoys!

Cherries in garden and orchard,
Ripe and red in the sun;
And the merriest elf in the treetops
Is the fortunate Cherry-tree one!

The Elder Fairy


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The Song of the Elder Fairy

When the days have grown in length,
When the sun had greater power,
Shining in his noonday strength;
When the Elder Tree's in flower;
When each shady kind of place
By the stream and up the lane,
Shows its mass of creamy lace -
Summer's really come again!

The Elm Tree Fairy


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The Song of the Elm Tree Fairy

Soft and brown in Winter-time,
Dark and green in Summer's prime,
All their leaves a yellow haze
In the pleasant Autumn days-
See the lines of Elm trees stand
Keeping watch through all the land
Over lanes, and crops, and cows,
And the fields where Dobbin ploughs.
All day long, with listening ears,
Sits the Elm-tree Elf, and hears
Distant bell, and bleat, and bark,
Whistling boy, and singing lark.
Often on the topmost boughs
Many a rook has built a house;
Evening comes; and overhead,
Cawing, home they fly to bed.

The Laburnum Fairy



The Song of the Laburnum Fairy

All Laburnum's
Yellow flowers
Hanging thick
In happy showers, -
Look at them!
The reason's plain
Why folks call them
"Golden Rain!"
"Golden Chains"
They cal them too,
Swinging there
Against the blue.

The Lilac Fairy





The Song of The Lilac Fairy

White May is flowering,
Red May beside;
Laburnum is showering
Gold far and wide;
But I sing of Lilac,
The dearly loved Lilac,
Lilac, in Maytime
A joy and a pride!

I love her so much
That I never can tell
If she is sweeter to look at,
Or sweeter to smell.

The Lime Tree Fairy

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The Song of the Lime tree Fairy

Bees! bees! come to the trees
Where the Lime has hung her treasures;
Come, come, hover and hum;
Come and enjoy your pleasures!
The feast is ready, the guests are bidden;
Under the petals the honey is hidden;
Like pearls shine the drops of sweetness there,
And the scent of the Lime-flowers fills the air.
But soon the blossoms pretty and pale
Will all be gone; and the leaf-like sail
Will bear the little round fruits away;
So bees! bees! come while you may!

The Mulberry Fairy

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The Song of the Mulberry Fairy

"Here we go round the mulberry bush!"
You remember the rhyme oh yes!
But which of you know
How Mulberries grow
On the slender branches, drooping low?
Not many of you, I guess.

Someone goes round the Mulberry bush
When nobody's there to see;
He takes the best
And he leaves the rest,
From top to toe like a Mulberry drest:
This fat little fairy's he!

The Pear Blossom Fairy

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The Song of the Pear Blossom Fairy

Sing, sing, sing, you blackbirds!
Sing, you beautiful thrush!
It's Spring, Spring, Spring; so sing, sing, sing,
From dawn till the stars say "hush".

See, see, see the blossom
On the Pear Tree shining white!
It will fall like snow, but the pears will grow
For people's and birds' delight.

Build, build, build, you chaffinch;
Build, you robin and wren,
A safe warm nest where your eggs may rest;
Then sit, sit, sit, little hen!

The Poplar Tree

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The Song of the Poplar Fairy

White fluff is drifting like snow round our feet;
Puff! it goes blowing
Away down the street.

Where does it come from? Look up and see!
There, from the Poplar!
Yes, from that tree!

Tassels of silky white fluffiness there
Hang among leaves
All a-shake in the air.

Fairies, you well may guess, use it to stuff
Pillows and cushions,
And play with it - puff!

The Silver Birch Fairy



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The Song of the Silver Birch Fairy

There's a gentle tree with a satiny bark,
All silver-white, and upon it, dark,
Is many a crosswise line and mark -
She's a tree with no mistaking!
The Birch is this light and lovely tree,
And as light and lovely still is she
When the SUmmer's time has come to flee,
As she was at Spring's awaking.

She has a new Birch-catkins, small and tight,
Though the old ones scatter and take their flight,
And the little leaves, all yellow and bright,
In the autumn winds are shaking.
And with fluttering wings and hands that cling,
The fairies play and the fairies swing
On the fine thin twigs, that will toss and spring
With never a fear of breaking.

The Sweet Chestnut Fairy







The Song of the Sweet Chestnut Fairy

Chestnuts, sweet Chestnuts,
To pick up and eat,
Or keep until Winter,
When, hot, they're a treat!

Like Hedgehogs, their shells,
Are prickly outside;
But silky within,
Where the little nuts hide,

Til the shell is split open,
And, shiny and fat,
The Chestnut appears;
Says the Fairy: "How's that?"

The Sycamore Fairy

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The Song of the Sycamore Fairy

Because my seeds have wings, you know,
They fly away to earth;
And where they fall, why, there they grow
New Sycamores have birth!
Perhaps a score? Oh, hundreds more!
Too many, people say!
And yet to me it's fun to see
My winged seeds fly away.
(But first they must turn ripe and brown,
And lose their flush of red;
And then they'll all go twirling down
To earth, to find a bed.)

The Wild Cherry Blossom Fairy

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The Song of the Wild Cherry Blossom Fairy

In April when the woodland ways
Are all made glad and sweet
With primroses and violets
New-opened at your feet,
Look up and see
A fairy tree,
With blossoms white
In clusters light,
All set on stalks so slender,
With pinky leaves so tender.
O Cherry tree, wild Cherry tree!
You lovely, lovely thing to see!

The Willow Fairy




The Song of the Willow Fairy

By the peaceful stream or the shady pool
I dip my leaves in the water cool.

Over the water I lean all day,
Where the sticklebacks and the minnows play.

I dance, I dance, when the breezes blow,
And dip my toes in the stream below.

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cicely-mary-barker (200x203, 46Kb), , (Cicely Mary Barker): , . , , . (Flower Fairies). , , 1923 .

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Copyright: , 2015
The Fairy Orchestra (2) (512x673, 123Kb)

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