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 - e-mail



: 22.01.2012
: 5228



: (40), (1178), (122), .(30), (160), (215), .(12), (8), (15), (22), (682), (240), , .(67), (844), (483), (12), (0), (2)

, 07 2013 . 19:27 +

 (403x403, 19Kb)



, 05 2013 . 18:50 +
 (600x400, 34Kb)

eat one's words -
Enough of it -
go into details -
I don't care -
I have no idea -
I mean it! -
I wish I knew - !
It doesn't matter -
It doesn't make sense -
It doesn't prove a thing -
It' s none of your business -
It's a lie -
It's all the same to me -
It's beside the point -
It's new to me -
It's out of place -
It's up to you -
It's waste of time -
Let's clear it up - .
Let's drop the subject -
Mind one's own business -
no matter -
point of view -
pro and con -
say one's say -
side against -
So what? - ?
speak one's mind -
stand one's ground -
stand to reason - ,
take a side -
take a stand -
take into account -
That's not the point -
That's very well, but - , .
to one's face - ( )
up against -
Use your own judgement -
What are you driving at? - ?
What are you talking about? - !
What for? - ?
What of it? - ? You can take it from me -



, 03 2013 . 02:57 +
_ [ + !]


- 10 .
. :)




, 03 2013 . 12:50 +
  (347x400, 20Kb)

buy-bought-bought ()
pay-paid-paid, ()
lay-laid-laid ()
think-thought-thought, ()
Smell-smelt-smelt ! ()

put-put-put ()
begin-began-begun ()
cut-cut-cut, ()
shut-shut-shut, ()
light-lit-lit, ()
hit-hit-hit. ()
ring-rang-rung ()
, , run-ran-run. ()
think-thought-thought, ()

Dig-dug-dug , ()
Come-came-come . ()
: "Go-went-gone, (, )

fight-fought-fought, (, )
catch-caught-caught. (, )
bring-brought-brought, ()
get-got-got. ()

bite-bit-bitten, ()
eat-ate-eaten, ()
learn-learnt-learnt ()
burn-burnt-burnt. ()

meet-met-met, ()
keep-kept-kept. ()
, lose-lost-lost, ()
cost-cost-cost. ()

fly-flew-flown. ()
grow-grew-grown. ()
, blow-blew-blown, ()
know-knew-known. ()

find-found-found ()

become-became-become. ()
Give-gave-given ()
feed-fed-fed ()
- !

let-let-let. ()

lead-led-led: ()
dwell-dwelt-dwelt , ()
lie-lay-lain, ()

break-broke-broken - ()
draw-drew-drawn, ()
Build-built-built - . ()

Show-showed-shown ! ()
"Shine-shone-shone, - . - ()
See-saw-seen ". ()
Say-said-said : ()
"Swim-swam-swum , ()
Spring-sprang-sprung ()

Read-read-read ()
Tell-told-told sing-sang-sung () ()

ride-rode-ridden ( )
Leap-leapt-leapt . (, )
take-took-taken, ()
mistake-mistook-mistaken, ()


Spell-spelt-spelt . ( )
Speak-spoke-spoken . ()
Sweep-swept-swept , ()
Hang-hung-hung . (, )
Throw-threw-thrown , (, )
Set-set-set , (, )
Shoot-shot-shot , , ()

Lend-lent-lent : ()
mean-meant-meant , ( , )
Sell-sold-sold , ()
Send-sent-sent . ()

Hear-heard-heard , ()
Feel-felt-felt , ()
Fall-fell-fallen , ()
Rise-rose-risen . (, )
Wear-wore-worn . ()
Write-wrote-written . ()
Have-had-had , ()
Win-won-won . ().

Drink-drank-drunk ()
forget-forgot-forgotten ()
have-had-had ()
do-did-done, ()
- fall-fell-fallen()
Write-wrote-written , ()
Ride-rode-ridden , ( )
break-broke-broken ()
bite-bit-bitten ()

sleep-slept-slept : ()
bear-bore-born. ()
Stand-stood-stood , ()
Shake-shook-shaken , ()
strike-struck-struck, ()
, , sink-sank-sunk. ()
Spend-spent-spent , ()
Freeze-froze-frozen . ()
Leave-left-left . (, )
Choose-chose-chosen , ()
dream-dreamt-dreamt, ()
hold-held-held. ()
wake-woke-woken, ()
Drink-drank-drunk , ()
Do-did-done , ()
Make-made-made . ()
Drive-drove-driven . ()
Hide-hid-hidden . (, )
hurt-hurt-hurt, ( )
, , .

dig-dug-dug, ()
Find-found-found ()

, , think-thought-thought, ()
Take-took-taken ()
, ,
Go-went-gone , ()

Drive-drove-driven , (, )
Eat-ate-eatten (, )
Fly-flew-flown , ()
Keep-kept-kept , ()
Spend-spent-spent , ()
Build-built-built .()
awake-awoke-awoked ()
speak-spoke-spoken, ()
Run-ran-run , ()
Find-found-found ... ()

sweep-swept-swept, (, )


-5 , .

, 28 2013 . 16:05 +


 : 2 [1]