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: 06.06.2011
: 1616


( ) 1495 - 1550

, 15 2014 . 15:26 +
__ Giampietrino

( )
1495 - 1550

, , 14951549 .
, . , , . , .
, .

  _ (561x700, 92Kb)

" "

Benedetto Marchello "Adagio"

      (513x700, 79Kb)

" "

   (522x700, 96Kb)

" "

Giampietrino  Madonna and Child with Sts Jerome and Michael  1530-e (700x568, 50Kb)

"Madonna and Child with Sts Jerome and Michael" 1530-e

   Salvator mundi (508x700, 323Kb)

" " / "Salvator mundi"

  ,     (700x370, 97Kb)


  . ().   (390x500, 84Kb)

" " ().

giampietrino  Leda (510x627, 104Kb)


   (522x700, 46Kb)

" "

Giampietrino     (Giovanni Pietro Rizzoli) St John  1530   Louvre (403x573, 53Kb)

" " "St John" (1530)

( ) . , , . , " " - , .

  (557x700, 105Kb)

" "

Santa Maria Maddalena penitente (450x597, 53Kb)

" "

The Penitent St. Jerome (436x565, 76Kb)

"The Penitent St. Jerome"

    (464x600, 62Kb)

" "

Santa Maria Maddalena penitente 1 (456x592, 91Kb)

" "

The Virgin Nursing the Child with St. John the Baptist in Adoration 1500-20 (548x700, 114Kb)

"The Virgin Nursing the Child with St. John the Baptist in Adoration" 1500-20

Christ au roseau, par Giampietrino ( Gionanni Pietro Rizzoli) (516x700, 60Kb)

""Christ au roseau"

Giampietrino  ,   (546x700, 80Kb)

", "

Giampietrino  Lucretia Romana. 1500-40  Chazen Museum of Art  (496x661, 59Kb)

"" 1500-1540 Chazen Museum of Art

      (528x700, 55Kb)

" "

Dido, c. 1520 (444x591, 64Kb)

"" 1520

- (358x700, 79Kb)


   Sophonisba, c. 1521-22 (442x596, 58Kb)

"" / "Sophonisba", 1521-1522

Giampietrino   (576x700, 81Kb)


Giampietrino  Madonna  and  child (544x700, 71Kb)

" "

San Juan Bautista (519x700, 69Kb)

" "

Virgin and Child with a  lily (472x633, 87Kb)

" "

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