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18:03 19.04.2009
: 9

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: 01.07.2007
: 2185



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, 11 2009 . 01:20 +
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, 07 2009 . 22:46 +
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, 04 2009 . 20:22 +
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 (150x173, 36Kb)Stockwell Day -

gail_shea (150x203, 31Kb)Gail Shea-

 (150x167, 31Kb)Keith Ashfield -

Diane Ablonczy-   (150x188, 31Kb)Diane Ablonczy-

 (150x209, 35Kb) -
!!!!  !!! 3 !!!  , -. 3-4 , 12 . 3 , , , - c !!!

Russia banned the baby-seals hunting, why you are not????????????? STOP to kill baby-seals NOW. PLEASE!!!!!!!
Can you kill our babies like you are killing the baby-seals????????????? Who are you????????? Show to the all world that Canada is a humane and not aggressive country!!! STOP hunting of baby-seals!!!!
I'm embarassed by the seal hunt. It is time for Canada to show that it deserves to be called a humane and compassionate country. End seal hunting now!



, e-mail, , e-mail :

1. http://www.canada.gc.ca/comments-commentaires/cform-eng.html

Enter Your Questions and/or Comments Here:
e-mail , submite! !!!

2. http://www.harpseals.org/help/letters_and_emails/canada_pols_email.php : . . . ! send

3.  http://www.harpseals.org/help/letters_and_emails/eu_ministers_email.php
27 , , .



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, 02 2009 . 00:02 +


5 . !!!!

, 31 2009 . 16:01 +
 (200x128, 12Kb)

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* . . .

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mail (510x397, 144Kb)


, 26 2009 . 17:48 +


, 26 2009 . 13:20 +
3 :


We, citizens of Russia, are urging you to stop this unnecessary, bloody and cruel slaughter of seal populations in Canada.

Our civilized world is against this cruel act!

Canadas commercial seal hunt will be under intense scrutiny this year, as the European Union considers banning the trade in seal products.

In the same week that Russia announced an end to the hunting of seal pups under a year old, the Canadian government released today, that they will allow for the slaughter of 280,000 (or even more) harp seal pups this year putting further strain on seal populations.

We are proposing to boycott 2010 Olympic Games, as well as stop the purchase of any exported Canadian products, and will urge as many of our citizens as possible to stop travelling to Canada until this massacre stops.

Now it is the time to change the values and morals of those who are involved in this bloody business. People around the world understand that your arguments to continue the slaughter are cynical and are beyond any critic.

The citizens of our countries will continue to fight against this and are prepared to protest as long as it takes the government of Canada to outlaw the hunting of seals.



, 26 2009 . 12:25 +

Dear Mr. President,
Congratulations on your victory, now the world is watching for all the change that you will bring to the office in upcoming years!

Until now many topics has been raised which include economy, health care, pensions and etc. but question remain what about the PLANET in PERIL? Can we start paying attention to cruelty around us on day to day basis? Before being elected as a president you have said "I think how we treat our animals reflects how we treat each other. And it's very important that America have a president who is mindful of the cruelty that is perpetrated on animals.

I know that you are in demand from all directions and already have a lot to do in your own country, but with more species of animals soon to be become extinct, I am writing to urge you to support efforts to end Canada's cruel commercial seal hunt. This hunt only continues to exist because it is propped up by a range of government subsidies and taxpayers money. The vast majority of Canadians and caring people worldwide have been calling for an end to the hunt and the time to act is now. How ironic that two days after Russia announced an end to its commercial harp seal hunt, Canada is condemning one-third of the pups born to a cruel and unnecessary death.

Please use your unique position as a representative of all Americans and the citizens of the world to fight for an end to this cruel slaughter.


Thank you for all your help and support!

-, ,


, !!!!

, 26 2009 . 12:18 +


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, 26 2009 . 12:09 +



, 26 2009 . 11:46 +

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, 25 2009 . 22:27 +


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, 25 2009 . 12:42 +
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, 23 2009 . 23:27 +

IFAW. , , -!

"Senator Mac Harb wants to fill the Senate with messages of support for his Bill. Help us collect over 250,000 signatures in the next few weeks - one message for every seal that will likely be killed in this year's slaughter."




, 21 2009 . 22:43 +

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, 19 2009 . 22:04 +
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- http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/553233753

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, 18 2009 . 20:16 +


, 13 2009 . 16:48 +

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